This page is about products for renewable energy and e-book manuals on how to design and build one for your own.
Free Energy Ebooks
Product Description
Build a 10k sqft home for absolutely Free by utilizing Free alternative building materials such as haybales, rammed earth, recycled pallets or telephone poles, rock, adobe, etc. Be mortgage / debt Free & Own your green, environmentally friendly home in as little as 6 months. The book will show you How to Build your own 5,000 sq ft house for Free, set in an Easy to Read Beginners level format (process made simple). (The resources, tips & tricks provided were tested right here on the Ranch.)
"Renewable Energy Made Easy is a great read for people of all knowledge levels when it comes to going green. David Craddock does an amazing job at laying out the history, facts, pros, and cons of a variety of renewable energy sources, and then gives the reader a step-by-step DIY guide to all sorts of projects you can use to make your house, office, and life help the environment. We at TerraTone Music are and will continue to promote this book at all our events!" Shanti Schweizer --Shanti Schweizer
For those of us who want to actively engage in the global effort to stem climate change, Renewable Energy Made Easy provides a good introduction to various forms of non-fossil fuel energy. It enables the reader to gain historical perspective of various forms as well as the current pros and cons of each type. The book also provides a variety of small renewable energy projects you can make at home as well as whole house projects. Recent research continues to confirm the time for action is now; Renewable Energy Made Easy offers an important starting point for those beginning to mobilize. Sarah K. Lachance Campaign Earth --arah K. Lachance Campaign Earth
2009 Green Book Festival Award Winner - Runner Up --Book Awards
Product Description
Studies have shown that the average North American family will spend more than a quarter of a million dollars on energy in a lifetime. What many other countries, including Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, China, Brazil, and even Iceland, have realized is that there is a better way to power our homes, businesses, and cars by using renewable energy sources. Recently, the United States has begun to understand the importance of reducing its reliance on coal, natural gas, nuclear power, and hydropower plants, which comprise the majority of the nation s electricity, due to increasing oil prices. Some sections of the country, including California, are turning to renewable energy sources. In fact, 12 percent of California s electricity is produced by renewable resources. The potential for the use of renewables is very large and understanding their use and their impact is key. Renewable Energy Made Easy will provide you with everything you need to know about these alternative energy sources. You will learn about solar power, wind power, water power, biofuels, geothermal energy, ethanol, wave farms, photovoltaic power plants, and hydrogen fuels. You will also become well-versed on the availability, aesthetics, environmental and social considerations, and longevity issues of these so-called soft energy technologies. In addition, you will learn about the current costs and the projected costs in the future, ENERGY STAR? regulations, the newest research and innovations, and the high development potential of renewable energy. This book will serve as a guide to creating more efficient buildings and an invaluable resource for how to change our preconceived notions about power. This book has taken the complexity and scientific terms out of this topic, making it jargon-free and easy to understand. Ultimately, you will learn how our country can improve energy efficiency, reduce oil dependence, improve energy security, and reduce the health and environmental impact of our current energy system.
Product Description
How to Live off the Grid & be 100% Self Sustainable & Debt Free. Stop oil & utility dependency, Stop paying high gas & utility costs. Live self-sufficient & lower monthly utility bills from an average $500 to $0.00 per month, even sell energy back to the power companies earning an additional $500+ per month income. The book teaches you How to move & Live off the grid, set in a Easy to Read Beginners level format (process made simple). (The resources, tips & tricks provided were tested right here on the Ranch.) DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL "COMO VIVIR AUTOSUSTENTABLE"
Micro Hydro Power Generator Ebook
Product Description
The new edition of this useful and practical handbook is a guide to the use of induction motors for electricity generation in remote locations and arises out of the practical experience of manufacturers and installers of induction generators working in village locations in a number of countries. The use of motors as generators is now well proven and promises to be an important element in establishing self-sustaining local capacity for village-scale hydro in developing countries. Micro-hydro is a valuable source of energy for rural industries and village electrification schemes. It offers potential to remote communities with applications in village lighting, mechanized food processing, and the supply of power to small-scale industrial activities.
About the Author
Nigel Smith has worked with the Intermediate Technology Development Group on induction generators for micro-hydro since 1985. He gained his PhD from the Nottingham Trent University, where he continues to work as a Senior Research Fellow. He has his own engineering consultancy, Smith Associates, and has worked in Nepal, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
Hydro Generator
Product Description
The hydro generator exemplifies old world technology used in a modern, eco friendly way. The Hydro Generator essentially uses a turbine to charge an internal rechargeable battery as water flows through the faucet with everyday use. This modern technology was designed exclusively for use with the Touch-Free and AMTC touch-free faucets; however, it may work with other faucets as well.
The Hydro Generator assures a touch-free faucet with approximately 10 years of battery life. Easy-installation is above the electronic portion of the Touch Free AMTC faucet and when the water flows it automatically charges the battery. No more maintenance worries or changing out batteries when they fail. No A/C kit is necessary, so the footprint left on our environment is truly a green one.
# Works with touch-free and AMTC faucets
# May work with other touch-free faucets that use same hook-ups and have the same power plug-in
# Go Green: no batteries or AC power needed
# 10 year battery life
# Easy Installation
Wind Power Generator Ebooks
"A well-crafted blend of theory and practical information for all who want to build a quiet, efficient, and economical wind turbine to achieve greater energy independence and reduce their carbon footprint. These guys know their stuff and know how to convey it in a clear, concise, understandable, and humorous fashion." --Dan Chiras, PhD, author of Power from the Wind, The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy, The Solar House, Green Home Improvement, and more.
"If you've ever thought the wind could be as productive as it is annoying, get this remarkable book, apply its clear-cut principles and procedures, and brew up a wind turbine. In their clever and amusing way, Dan and Dan show you how to power your house with the same forces that rattle the windowpanes. Buy it--it's the only book of its kind on planet Earth!" --Rex Ewing, author of Power with Nature, Got Sun? Go Solar, Hydrogen-Hot Stuff, Cool Science, and more.
"The Otherpower Dans and their crew learn more in their sleep about building good wind generators than the rest of us learn in the daylight. If you want to be able to build simple, robust, and productive wind turbines awake or asleep, buy this book!" --Ian Woofenden, Senior Editor, Home Power Magazine; NW and Costa Rica coordinator, Solar Energy International, wind energy abuser.
"If you've ever thought the wind could be as productive as it is annoying, get this remarkable book, apply its clear-cut principles and procedures, and brew up a wind turbine. In their clever and amusing way, Dan and Dan show you how to power your house with the same forces that rattle the windowpanes. Buy it--it's the only book of its kind on planet Earth!" --Rex Ewing, author of Power with Nature, Got Sun? Go Solar, Hydrogen-Hot Stuff, Cool Science, and more.
"The Otherpower Dans and their crew learn more in their sleep about building good wind generators than the rest of us learn in the daylight. If you want to be able to build simple, robust, and productive wind turbines awake or asleep, buy this book!" --Ian Woofenden, Senior Editor, Home Power Magazine; NW and Costa Rica coordinator, Solar Energy International, wind energy abuser.
"If you've ever thought the wind could be as productive as it is annoying, get this remarkable book, apply its clear-cut principles and procedures, and brew up a wind turbine. In their clever and amusing way, Dan and Dan show you how to power your house with the same forces that rattle the windowpanes. Buy it--it's the only book of its kind on planet Earth!" --Rex Ewing, author of Power with Nature, Got Sun? Go Solar, Hydrogen-Hot Stuff, Cool Science, and more.
"The Otherpower Dans and their crew learn more in their sleep about building good wind generators than the rest of us learn in the daylight. If you want to be able to build simple, robust, and productive wind turbines awake or asleep, buy this book!" --Ian Woofenden, Senior Editor, Home Power Magazine; NW and Costa Rica coordinator, Solar Energy International, wind energy abuser.
Product Description
A Hands-on Guide to Harnessing the Wind
Have you ever wondered how wind turbines work and why they look like they do? Are you interested in adding wind power to your off-grid electric system, but have been put off by the high cost of equipment and installation? Well, now you can build and install your own wind turbine!
Harnessing the wind can be a tricky business, but in this groundbreaking book the authors provide step-by-step, illustrated instructions for building a wind generator in a home workshop. Even if you don't plan on building your own turbine, this book is packed with valuable information for anyone considering wind energy. It covers the basic physics of how the energy in moving air is turned into electricity, and most importantly, will give you a realistic idea of what wind energy can do for you--and what it can't.
Full-scale, actual size blueprints for the 10-foot diameter wind turbine featured in this book are also available from Amazon to help you along in the construction process. Search Amazon books for "Homebrew Wind Power Blueprints" by Tyrone Banderet!
Product Description
At a time of great concern about energy efficiency and the future of energy supply comes an in-depth look at the technical aspects of producing wind power. The complexities of converting wind power into electricity that can be readily distributed through national power lines are discussed. This book analyzes a full range of simulated induction generators and grid conditions, and electrical engineering theory is also presented.
About the Author
ladislav Akhmatov is a researcher at Eltra, a Danish power engineering and research firm.
Product Description
The coming energy crisis caused by a peak in global oil and natural gas production will profoundly affect the lives of all North Americans. As the price of these vital fuels rises, homeowners will scramble to cut their fuel bills. Two options for meeting the upcoming challenge are dramatic improvements in home energy efficiency and efforts to tap into clean, affordable, renewable energy resources to heat and cool homes, to provide hot water and electricity, and even to cook. These measures can result in huge savings and a level of energy independence.
The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy tells you how. It starts by outlining the likely impacts of fossil fuel shortages and some basic facts about energy. It then discusses energy conservation to slash energy bills and prepare for renewable energy options. Focusing carefully on specific strategies needed to replace specific fuels, the book then examines each practical energy option available to homeowners:
• Solar hot water, cooking, and water purification
• Space heat: passive and active solar retrofits
• Wood heat
• Passive cooling
• Solar electricity
• Wind-generated electricity
• Electricity from microhydropower sources
• Emerging technologies—hydrogen, fuel cells, methane digesters, and biodiesel
The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy gives readers sufficient knowledge to hire and communicate effectively with contractors and, for those wanting do installations themselves, it recommends more detailed manuals. With a complete resource listing, this well-illustrated and accessible guide is a perfect companion for illuminating the coming dark age.
Dan Chiras has studied renewable energy and energy efficiency for three decades and has installed several renewable energy systems. He lives in a self-designed passive solar/solar electric home. An award-winning author of over 20 books, he is a sustainability design consultant who teaches courses on renewable energy, green building, and sustainability at Colorado College.
About the Author
Dan Chiras is an internationally acclaimed author who has published over 24 books, including The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy. He is a certified wind site assessor and has installed several residential wind systems. Dan lives in a passive solar home in Evergreen, Colorado.
Water Fuel Ebooks
Product Description
The book advocates hydrogen fuel as the best long-term alternative to fossil fuels and as a way to stop polluting the air and subsidizing terrorists. Shows how to generate hydrogen by electrolysis, how to convert an internal combustion engine to hydrogen, and how hydrogen can be used in home appliances.
About the Author
Michael Peavey is a graduate of the University of Louisville,and is president of Merit, Inc.
Product Description
Read on to learn how a free technology lets you increase your gas mileage by 50% or more in any car or truck, clean your engine, and save the environment.
It might sound impossible, but this book will show you how to:
- Run your car mostly on plain old water you get out of any faucet in your house or hose in your yard Shave 50% of more from your fuel bill every single year from now matter what vehicle you drive
- Cut your car maintenance costs significantly, and have your car run better
This is not science fiction. It's actually proven science you can install in your very own car in less than an hour (even if you're not a mechanic).
It’s the dirty little secret “Big Oil” has known and kept from you for years… that water is power!
That doesn't mean big hydroelectric power dams that cover tens or hundreds of square miles. It means raw power from just simple tap water in a device smaller than a shoebox...and you can make the thing yourself!
It today's world, you're supposed to do your part to help the environment, but have you seen the price on a Toyota Prius? If you could afford "new" hybrid technology, you probably wouldn't care what gas costs!
In the meantime, you've got your current car and it runs 100% on gasoline ...which means you're a slave to Big Oil. Until now...
The big auto makers know all about hybrid cars. The technology isn't really "new" at all.
The big boys even know how to make cars run on water (no, that's not science fiction). But they're in bed with Big Oil, and that means you get the shaft.
They don't want you to convert to cleaner, cheaper, better fuels. They know plain old water is about 300% more potent than gas, and they never want you to find out. It would slaughter their profits.
The key is the science behind this. What you'll do is convert your car to a gas-water hybrid. You'll use both water and gas, but you'll slash your gas use to the bone, probably by 40-80% right away.
Crazy, but true. A simple device you can make at home for pennies will take regular water (H2O) and convert it to a gas (HHO) that your car can run on. The only waste product is pure water again! Talk about being absolutely wonderful for the endangered environment.
You can run for hundreds of miles on less than one quart of water. That means there's almost literally money pouring out of your kitchen faucet.
It's completely safe. And since water burns cleaner and more efficiently than gas, it actually cleans your engine and helps your car run smoother over time...not to mention saving the environment from choking CO2 emissions.
It's okay if you don't get all the science behind this. You don't have to get it.
Do you understand everything about your car engine? No, but you can still drive! That same principle applies here.
With this book, you'll be able to install this simple hybrid system in your own car in less than an hour. Or, if you want, you can give it to your mechanic and let him do it.
The system is 100% safe. You won't risk electrocuting yourself, and you won't be playing with nuclear fusion. You don't have to be a genius to prevent yourself from destroying your engine, or anything even remotely close. It's simple, easy and safe.
You can run your car on virtually free water, and pocket hundreds of dollars in savings every single year with this step-by-step manual that shows you how to implement this technology.
Stop paying through the nose, and actually start smiling when you go to the gas station today!
Hydrogen Generators Ebooks
Product Description
Summarizes the scientific, technical and commercial information that developed during World War II. While the world's fossil liquid fuel supplies were being used to make war around the globe Sweden, cut off from fossil fuels, converted 40% of its entire motor vehicle fleet to burning wood. The gas generator for motor vehicles was developed at an astonishing speed during the war years. This work will enable anyone that is engaged in gasifier projects to build upon knowledge which the Swedes procured long ago.
Product Description
This is the easiest of all hydrogen generator systems that I have seen. It includes measured drawings, descriptions and even a professionally drawn diagram that uses absolutely no technical jargon. It is designed with the lay person in mind. It covers the Hydrogen Generator (2 designs) the Generator Housing, Wiring, Hose Connections and an easy to understand diagram. With this CD you can design and build a Hydrogen Generator for your car and save up to 60% on gasoline usage. Not only will it save you money, but it will also help to save our environment.
Hydrogen Generators
Product Features
* Complete Kits 541-756-7050
* Upgraded From The Water4Gas Technology
* Not Shown In Picture - Spark Arrestor Is Clear 1/2" pvc - Also Now Comes With A Relay Harness
* Quality Parts & Air Tight Housing
* Very Easy To Understand Instructions With Colorful Diagrams Video On Website For Enhancer & Phone Support If Needed 541-756-7050
Product Description
Here is a hydrogen generator built in its simplest form, taken and expanded from the Water4Gas technology. The Genesis is designed for those who want to get their feet wet and start improving on fuel economy without spending a lot of money to get results. The unit is self-contained and is quite simple to install and operate. We have hundreds of success stories and our customers love our technical help. We are not afraid to answerer our phones here at Hydrogen Water Cars. All of our generators are built with 316L stainless steel, this includes the washers and nuts and this will save you money in the long run as you will not see corrosion. We use quality components and craftsmanship so we can stand behind our products. You can feel comfortable purchasing from Hydrogen-Water-Carsdotcom, we sell no fluff just honesty. Dimensions - 4 ½ inches wide x 12 ½ Tall Over 44 Feet of 316L Stainless Steel Wire Housing Is Made Of Tough Plastic & Will Not Melt or Break & Stays Air Tight Quality O-Rings & Neoprene Washers - Unit Does Not Leak Your Getting One Of The Best Enhancers Out There, Our MAP OR MAF Sensor Enhancers Are Made According To The Water4Gas Specifications, But We Have Added A Safety Feature Which Allows You To Turn Off Your HHO Generator When Set To Factory. Professionally Printed UV Resistant Label Brushed Stianless Steel Look. **What' In The Box -Generator -MAP Or MAF Sensor Enhancer & 40' of Electrical Wire In 4 Different Colors -Fuel Grade 1/4" Hose 5' - Red And Black 14 awg Wire - 10' Each - Relay 40/50 5 Pin With Relay Harness - In-line Fuse With Holder & 20 amp Fuse - Spark Arrestor - Hose Clamps 20 - Wire Connectors and Wire Rings - "Y" Connectors - Caable Ties Feel free To Call With Questions!
Product Features
* Isolated 6 Cell ~~DOESN'T FREEZE!~Durable ABS Housing
* This is a commercial grade plug-n-play system~All Hardware Is Built With Marine Quality 316L Stainless Steel
* Full Enhancement 1 For your MAP or MAF Sensor & 1 For Your o2 Sensors. Kit Also Available Without Enhancers!
* LED Light Lets You Know When Your Water Level Is Low
* 541-756-7050 Video Available! Shop & Compare Understand The Value
Product Description
What Makes The Revolution Series Different From Others? Amp Draw - TEMPERATURE -HHO Production ~Freezing Point~When shopping for a hydrogen generator make sure they talk about all 4 of these factors. If they don't - be leery. ~ AMP DRAW - How Many amps does the hydrogen generator draw? This is what a hydrogen generator pulls from your vehicles battery. Your alternator supplies current to the battery and other electrical devices. To much current or amp draw taxes the alternator and will make the engine work harder, which in turn burns more gas. Many systems on the market, draw to many amps and end up requiring a PWM (pulse with modulator) to govern or throttle the amp draw. Some units, especially single cells are like runaway freight trains, climbing in amps the longer they run. Our Revolution Hydrogen Generators are highly proficient and pull low amps, even after hours of running. With the stability of the Revolution you will never need a PWM. TEMPERATURE - The temperature range of the generator is very important. Because so many systems on the market draw such high amps, there adds to the problem of heat. In order to see significant gains in gas mileage, many HHO generators may start out with low amps, but as the amps climb they start generating unnecessary heat. A hydrogen generator running at high temperatures produces steam which is harmful to the engine. The Revolution produces low levels of heat and can run 24 hours a day at around 85 degrees, making it highly efficient. HHO PRODUCTION - 2 - 3 1/2 LPM Another great thing about Revolution - It Doesn't Freeze! Complete Installation Guide With Colorful Diagrams And Access To Video For The MAP / MAF Sensor Enhancer Along With Our Phone Support Makes Installation Painless. Proficiently built & hydrogen tight.
Product Features
* Turn Your Water Into HHO Gas & Make Your Car A Hybrid.
* Generates Twice The HHO Than The Standard Water4Gas Electrode - Over 34 ft.
* Great Solution For Those Wanting Multi-Cells, But Don't Have The Room
* Very Cost Effective Solution
* Custom Built Tower - Already Assembled 541-756-7050
Product Specifications
Product Information
Brand: Hydrogen Water Cars
Sizing and Specifications
Item Weight: 7.04 Ounces
Amperage: 5
Height: 10.2 centimeters
Length: 14.6 centimeters
Width: 7 centimeters
Product Description
Used to produce Hydrogen On Demand, the heart of your generator. Quality 1/4" pre-cut Acrylic. Precision drilled holes spaced evenly. Keeps the wire tightly in place. Marine quality 316L Stainless steel, .032 diameter 20 awg. Comes already assembled. Feel free to call with any questions. 541-756-7050 hydrogen-generators-usadotcom